General Boarding Guidelines
Only those with previously confirmed boarding dates should proceed with form completion and submission.
DVGRR and Golden Gateway must adhere to strict guidelines set by the PA. Dept. of Agriculture, and we are subject to periodic surprise inspections. Please understand that as a nonprofit, we use our boarding proceeds to rescue and care for the dogs in our program and simply cannot afford fines levied due to your incomplete paperwork. Most importantly, we do not want a negative report about our facility to appear on the public record.
WE MUST RECEIVE each of the THREE FORMS and CURRENT VACCINATION PROOF from your vet a WEEK BEFORE YOUR BOARDING DATE. See the list of required vaccinations below. If we do not receive vaccination documentation and a copy of the rabies certificate as specified, we will cancel your reservation and notify you accordingly.
Please complete these forms after your dates have been approved:
- Boarding Agreement (complete on per boarding request)
- Kennel Card (complete 1 form/dog)
- Food/Medication Card (complete 1 form/dog)
Remember: If you are boarding multiple dogs, we will need a Boarding Kennel Card and Boarding Food Card for each dog. However, only one Boarding Agreement is required.
Mail current vaccination proof to: 60 Vera Cruz Road Reinholds, PA 17569, Attn: Boarding
Email to:
Fax to: 717-484-4839
DROP OFF AND PICK UP TIMES – 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. daily. On major holidays (New Year’s, Christmas, Thanksgiving), we require drop off/pick up to be either the day before or after the holiday. Pick up after 10:30 a.m. counts as a day since we have completed feeding, exercise, and kennel cleaning by that time.
BOARDING CHARGE – We ask members to pay $40.00 per night (additional dogs: $35.00 each). We can accept cash or checks payable to DVGRR (sorry, no credit cards). Single day boarding is $40.00 ($additional dogs: $35.00 each). We provide as part of our standard day what most boarding kennels consider à la carte services. A minimum of six potty and play times throughout the day, starting at 7:00 a.m. and ending around 9:00 p.m.; one-on-one interaction with staff in our two-acre fenced in play areas. We will brush your dogs if necessary and spot clean them if they become muddy during playtime.
VETERINARY CARE – DVGRR cannot provide veterinary care at BARK (Buddy’s Animal Rescue Klinic) for dogs being boarded at Golden Gateway except if they are here for spay/neuter surgery. All care for spay/neuter dogs will be provided as needed. If a dog boarded at Golden Gateway becomes ill, the dog will be taken to New Holland Veterinary Hospital or, if required, BluePearl Pet Hospital in Shillington,PA.
VACCINATION AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS – Pennsylvania law requires all boarding dogs to be licensed. If your dog is not licensed, we cannot accept him/her for boarding. Proof of license must be submitted one week prior to boarding.
We require that your dog(s) be up to date on the vaccinations below. Vaccines need to be administered no less than two weeks prior to boarding at DVGRR. Please provide documentation of current vaccinations or ask your vet to fax them to us at 717-484-4839, or email to to the attention of the Boarding Manager. Because of strict PA Dept. of Agriculture requirements, this is simply non-negotiable. Documentation is required one week in advance; we cannot accept this documentation at the time of drop off.
- Rabies – a copy of the dogs rabies certificate is required to board with us.
- Distemper/parvo/lepto (DHLPP or DA2PPL) – Please ensure the lepto vaccine is included. Some veterinarians are no longer including the lepto vaccine, but it is a requirement for the safety of your dog to board at Golden Gateway.
- H3N8 (Canine Influenza) – proof of vaccination is required for dog(s) boarding at Golden Gateway. Again, not all vets vaccinate for canine influenza.
- Bordatella – we recommend the Bordatella vaccine every six months intranasally; however, it is only required annually to board.
PRE-PACKAGED FOOD AND MEDICATION – In order to best serve your dog, we require food to be packed as pre-measured meals in sealed baggies labeled with your dog’s name and AM or PM. Include any non-liquid medications or supplements in each bag. Having meals and medications prepared in this manner allows us more time to spend interacting and playing with your dog plus ensures that your feeding and medication instructions are precisely followed. We will provide your choice of bedtime snack (indicate on Kennel Card).
TOYS AND BEDDING – We provide beds, blankets, and toys while your dog is boarding with us. Please do not bring your dog’s personal bedding or toys since all such items are washed daily and we cannot guarantee that individual items will be returned to your dog.
THUNDERPHOBIC DOGS – Please indicate on the Kennel Card how your dog behaves during storms, and please bring any medications they may take “pre-storm.” These medications should NOT be packed with food since they will only be given if needed. Also, please include detailed administration directions (e.g., How long before a storm is it given? How much? How soon can it be repeated?).
GROOMING IS AVAILABLE FOR AN ADDITIONAL FEE – If you would like your dog bathed or groomed while boarding at Golden Gateway, please contact one of the groomers listed below. (If this is your dog’s first time being groomed or you are not sure who previously groomed your dog, please copy all groomers in the email.) Please use the word “Grooming” in the subject line and indicate your boarding dates and the groomers will schedule accordingly.
- Heather Hatt (
- Nicola Strause (
- Jessica Berrier (
- Emily Plank (
Payment must be made separately from the boarding charge and consist of cash or check payable to the groomer. While the groomers are DVGRR employees, when they are grooming boarded dogs, they are working for themselves, not DVGRR. DVGRR is not responsible for scheduling grooming or making changes. If you change your dates of stay with the Boarding Manager, remember to also let the groomers know of the change. If you change grooming options, you must let the groomer know directly.
Grooming Options:
- Bath, towel dry, ear clean & nail trim: $15.00 (short fur); $20.00 (long fur)
- Bath, blow dry, ear clean & nail trim: $20.00 (short fur); $25.00-$30.00 (long fur)
- Bath; blow dry; ear clean; nail trim; trim paws, ears, tail; shape feathers & belly fur: $60.00
- Bath; blow dry; ear clean; nail trim; trim paws, ears, tail; clip rear and front feathers, chest & belly fur: $75.00
- Doodle trim: $65.00-$90.00
- Any excess matting will be an extra charge
Bedroom Boarding at the Lynne Glennon Sanctuary for Senior Goldens and Puppy Mill Survivors
Bedroom boarding at the Lynne Glennon Sanctuary means the dog(s) will have one of the bedrooms or the entire lower level (Haley’s Haven) for their housing. We have iPod music, videos, bedding, and plenty of space to roam or play.
This is especially beneficial for the multiple-dog family as all the dogs are together. If any dog is destructive, we reserve the right to use a free-standing enclosure when the dog is not directly supervised.
- We require at least three week’s notice to schedule a stay for bedroom boarding.
- Between May 15 and September 30, a one-week minimum stay is required.
- October 1 through May 14, a three-night minimum stay is required.
- Last-minute reservations are possible IF the room is not booked.
- 50% of the boarding fee is required as a deposit, which must be received within five days of reservation to guarantee booking. Deposit will be forfeited if the boarding in cancelled within two weeks of the scheduled arrival.
Bedroom boarding, by its nature, is a bit more labor intensive, so rates are adjusted accordingly.
- Dogs staying at the Sanctuary will stay either in one of the bedrooms or Haley’s Haven (entire basement), including at bedtime UNLESS they prove destructive to the property (chewing walls, ripping off light sockets, chewing wood, etc.). Then, they will be housed in a freestanding enclosure ONLY when not directly supervised.
- Naps are between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. , and bedtime is 9:00 p.m. The morning starts at 7:00 a.m.
- No extra charge for medications dispensed.
- You can bring along their beds and favorite toys, even an article of your clothing if you wish.
- Summer months include use of the bone-shaped swimming pool.
- Daily rate will be $70.00 per night for the first dog, $40.00 per night for each additional dog. (We’ve evaluated rates at boarding kennels for these extra services, and those rates can be as high as $80.00 per day per dog).
- Camera surveillance at all times for staff on duty as well as at night up to 10:00 p.m.
- TV during the day and music at night.
- You can still book a full grooming when you schedule your boarding time.
- Dogs with storm aversion can live in “Tucker’s Room,” our soundproof thunder room with TV (and siblings can then live in the adjoining bedroom). There will be staff intervention during storms, but the thunder room is completely sound proof.
- Drop off and pick up is daily between 9:00 a.m. to noon or 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. NO EXCEPTIONS. Pick up after 10:30 a.m. counts as an additional day since we have completed feeding, exercise, and room cleaning by that time.
To reserve Bedroom Boarding space for your dog(s), contact the Boarding Manager (